October 15, 2019: Splash

It’s been a while poetry. But I’m back, for as long as I stay. 


She finds comfort in moments
In quiet hugs
And harmless banter

She splashes little drops in her eyes
Of kindness, of love

Afraid that when they dry she’ll see
Spots of worry
And pounds of hate

I’m grateful for
I loved it when
Today was great because


Future blurred by the Now
How can she move forward

When so much greatness swims before her

Forget the other ones. The other thoughts.
The Spots.
This is it right?
This is happiness.


August 25, 2018: Sometimes

Sometimes I wish I could walk away
Grab my coat, some mints, and a bag
Drag my feet along the sand of the coast
And Coast away

Sometimes I wish I could stay still
Wrapped up in blankets and popcorn
All my comforts sworn to silence
Silently sitting still

Sometimes I wish I could scream my way to the future
Take a camera and picture all my opportunity
Immunity to any disapproving whispers
Whispering away my future

Sometimes I wish I could walk, as I stay still, screaming.
But here I run, moving quietly along.
Should I go right.. Or wrong

July 5, 2018: Fading leaves

Moving up from branch
To branch
Higher it climbs
Each time looking down
Around the leaves
Where the light breaks through the trees
A view of the beginning
The roots peaking out of the dirt
Would it hurt?
To fall from here?
Throw fear into the breeze
Seize the moment…and jump?
Back to the start
-where it all began
As it stands still, unsure of where to go
The sun shows from above
Up, my love.
Go up into my arms
Don’t fall into the charms of fading leaves.

October 30, 2016: Spit it Out

spit it out

stop hiding away in the deepest pockets
stop whispering nonsense out my ears.

No more bluffing I caught that glimmer..
I saw the knitting of eyebrows behind the shades.
The charades, the games, the riddles are over
spit it out.

you can’t pretend anymore
you can’t pretend.
Be sad. Be true. Be YOU.

Give me something to work with and I can work with you.
We can be a team you and me. Me and I. I and You.

Is it true, if you smile at yourself in a mirror.. you become happy?

My muscles ache.. how long should this take?

spit it out.

January 30, 2014: Me, Myself, and I

Photo on 14-01-30 at 7.21 PM #2
I’m having a me day.

Oh what is that?

Well I’m with me myself and I and we do things only for ourselves today

Me likes to watch TV and lounge on the couch

Myself disapproves of this and would rather exercise and buy celery sticks

I might be crazy trying to figure out life’s mysteries

And so the day proceeds:

            Me on the couch.

            Think of myself exercising.

            Walk to the fridge.

            Wait, who am I?

            Ponder my existence.

            Sit back on couch.

            Cat videos.

            Should exercise.

            Video on workout routines.

            Video links to a boy, too young, buried beneath the earth.

            What is the meaning here?


Me, myself, and I.

Me waits for life to show me where to go.

Myself runs after life, barely struggling to keep up.

I am crazy. I look at life and see no sense, so I make it up as I go.

4-up on 14-01-30 at 7.27 PM #5 (compiled)