August 25, 2018: Sometimes

Sometimes I wish I could walk away
Grab my coat, some mints, and a bag
Drag my feet along the sand of the coast
And Coast away

Sometimes I wish I could stay still
Wrapped up in blankets and popcorn
All my comforts sworn to silence
Silently sitting still

Sometimes I wish I could scream my way to the future
Take a camera and picture all my opportunity
Immunity to any disapproving whispers
Whispering away my future

Sometimes I wish I could walk, as I stay still, screaming.
But here I run, moving quietly along.
Should I go right.. Or wrong

July 7, 2018: Casper

I took a look in the mirror today
To search for the past
To figure out why feelings last
Even after I packed them in a box
Locked them up
Shipped them away
They continue to stay
Holding onto my heart ready to
Take a ride in my eyes
Despite my tries- and fails -to close them off
Cough them out

I guess it’s time to meet my ghosts
Play host to a tea party
A little mint with a hint of piss off
Kiss the lips of these spirits to connect with my
Give myself up, body and mind
Help them- and me -find peace

Sleep Casper.

No need to keep me awake
We both need a break from this war
So let me show you to the door… it’s open now.

February 13, 2017: These Men.

Take these men

Who touch without feeling
Who feel without holding
Who hold without caring
Who care without meaning.

and say goodbye.

Because they will never be enough
Because they don’t ask you when you cry
Because they don’t see you when you try

Say goodbye.

These men, who silently ask you to change
Who don’t find it strange
That your smile isn’t the same
Because that’s not where they’re looking.

Wipe their eyes from below
Pull them up to face what isn’t theirs
Because you are worth so much more.

and say goodbye.

March 16, 2016: Let Me BE.

At any moment it could rise up against the tides of my smile
It could terrorize the inner most island of joyfultude
And it could take me, shivering in nothing but my skin

That chill from within, that crude and relentless blast
Of past and future tied together—trapping the present in this
Long and careless fog

Long before I’ve even noticed, THERE
Somehow it arrives. Crooked teeth and glinting smiles.
While I freeze barely moving, barely breathing
Not today… oh please not today.
Today was the day I was going to forget.

Oh, Not yet— I plea to you—you cold and nameless creature.


Let me be.

January 18, 2015: Thinking in Feelings

thinking in feelings

no words to describe the ideas flourishing in my mind

I’m thinking in feelings and explosions of colour

creating drawings only my imagination can see

if I tried to paint it for you, it’d be a blur that had nothing to do

with the feelings I’m thinking

