August 18, 2017: Empty Ringing

What are thoughts without a soundboard
Empty ringing
Alone for all to ignore

Can you escape chaos with ignorance
Can you find happiness in nothing

Can you think without speaking?

What are thoughts without a soundboard

Meaningless chatter of a mind
Opportunity floating in apathy
A voice hiding from a challenge

When you see something so against all you believe..
Can you think without speaking

Soup Bowl

Drowning in my alphagetti
Holding onto U to stay afloat
But I can’t keep close

Kicking my words away with the power of panic
There are so many Us and only one of me

I can’t see through the red abyss

It said this would be fun
It said I could make dinner into a game

Instead all I want is to run
But my feet can’t touch the bowl

My sole purpose has become this scramble up the wall

If only I were taller and this bowl somewhat smaller….

I wouldn’t be drowning in my alphagetti.