March 16, 2016: Let Me BE.

At any moment it could rise up against the tides of my smile
It could terrorize the inner most island of joyfultude
And it could take me, shivering in nothing but my skin

That chill from within, that crude and relentless blast
Of past and future tied together—trapping the present in this
Long and careless fog

Long before I’ve even noticed, THERE
Somehow it arrives. Crooked teeth and glinting smiles.
While I freeze barely moving, barely breathing
Not today… oh please not today.
Today was the day I was going to forget.

Oh, Not yet— I plea to you—you cold and nameless creature.


Let me be.

Merry Christmas!

There is so much politics today when wishing someone a merry christmas. Do they celebrate it? Will they be offended if they don’t? Should I wish them a happy holiday? Or Hanukkah? Or just say nothing at all?

Well, today I am going to take the risk and wish all of my lovely readers a very Merry Christmas!!

Those of you who don’t celebrate this holiday.. well I wish you a spectacular day nevertheless. Today and tomorrow to me are days to appreciate family and to spread love, joy and kindness. I can only hope that all of us bring these qualities into our lives and don’t be afraid to love. Love your family, love your friends, love your pets, love yourself. Eat while appreciating that you can. Dance or sing with all your body. Feel the music in your fingertips and goosebumps.

Laugh uncontrollably, keeping an eye on the ones around you who join in the symphony. Phone an old friend and book a long overdue appointment to share memories. Give whatever you are able to the ones you love. Whether it be kind words, a homemade gift, a cherished heirloom, a cheap but dearly loved toy, or a kiss.

This is Christmas to me.

I hope you all can understand this lovely holiday and why I am taking the risk of sending my best wishes to all who celebrate it. I respect and would love to learn more of the other holidays around this time from around the world. 🙂 Please share your thoughts on Christmas if you wish and talk to me of how you will be spreading the love this holiday season.

Good day! Continue being awesome. I dearly appreciate all of you and would like to say thank you for taking the time to read my blog. The wordpress community is really amazing and though I’m not the most active blogger, I love that I can be a part of it.

August 12, 2011: Curls

There are days where you are filled with inspiration. Where everything goes your way and you are honestly HAPPY. These are my favourite days. Because this is when you see life for what it is: beautiful. You live in the moment, breathing in all the scents and emotions of the day and enjoying every second of it.
Before I wrote a poem explaining my pure joy in this day, I doodled my own inspiration page so I could remember what it felt like on days when I wasn’t quite so content. Now, when I say doodle, I mean doodle, I am no artist! So, here is my Inspiration Page and my poem named Curls:


A fresh haircut
With the unmistakeable
Odor, floating through my senses
I bound through the day
Yes, it’s a beautiful day.
Born from my new do
Showers me with happiness
I am untouchable.
Upon this
Beautiful day
The past is forgotten
But cherished
The future is anticipated
With my curls
Shiny and alive
Live for the present
For the little moments
Such as this
For you do not know
When life’s fresh haircuts
May be taken
From you.