The Poetic Life of Elizabeth Thompson: Age 18

The men have all been called to war
Above us jet planes always soar
They said Christmas, nothing more
When will this come to an end?

Boys so young must risk their lives
Men, like Dad, must leave their wives
Women building guns and knives
What will bring upon the end?

The day we heard my brother died
I sat upon my bed and cried
To think he’d almost been denied
How will this come to an end?

The men have all been called to war
When will this come to an end?

February 16, 2010: Two Worlds

The cupcake photo may be a little misleading, but there’s a reason why it’s there. Partly because I’m hungry and craving cupcakes, and partly because of this.
Some things go very well together;  chocolate and vanilla (like the cupcakes!), peanut butter and jelly, wine and cheese. But, it isn’t always that way.
This is an entry about two best friends fighting. Not the same friends that I was talking about in my Misery entry.. but a related fight. To me, this poem feels a little forced, but we’ll see what you think! It’s kind of in a Dr. Seuss style..not exactly but closer to that kind of feel. Check it out:

What do you do when two worlds collide?
You stand in the middle and can’t pick a side?
They’re both filled with nature, though one’s a little bit rocky
You can flatten it out though, or is that just too cocky?
Stand in the middle, you’ll only get crushed
But to pick one right now seems a little bit rushed
What if they stay collided forever?
They adapt to each side and can make it together.
It’s too risky to wait, if they do split apart
You’ll be stuck in the ocean with too big of a heart
Your heart’s too heavy and will drag you down lower
As quick as you went down, back up will be slower
But you will make it, as people always do
Land will be waiting to help you start over new
You’ll miss those two worlds but one day you’ll find
Two worlds who meld and will leave the old ones behind.

December 29, 2009: Misery

This entry is definitely more diary style. A rant. A vent. Whatever you want to call it, I was frustrated and needed to put that frustration down on paper. It’s a little longer than the others but still worth a read. Perhaps you have experienced these thoughts at one point or another and can relate. I thought it a coincidence that the next entry was named misery as that is how I am feeling at the moment. Miserable. Yes, it’s my birthday, but birthdays have a tendency to emphasize the worst things in your life sometimes, especially at the end when all the hype is over and your in bed, alone, wondering what you’re going to do with the rest of your life. But, you’ll hear about that when I get to more current entries (Look for the March 10, 2012 one) Anyways, rewind 3 years to my highschool it is:

Sometimes I wish I could just help everyone out of whatever misery they’re caught in. If everyone could just see the bright side, or find hope or just enjoy what they have, the world would be so much easier. But I know it doesn’t work that way, however if I could just find a way to help one person see this, I would be content. No one deserves to feel miserable. If I could give people faith, and  courage to believe and trust in friendship, in family, in LOVE. It hurts to see two best friends fighting. I just want to slap them both in the face and tell them to get over themselves! But I know it’s bigger than that and goes deeper than that. But you and only you control your emotions, your actions. Except in love. You can’t help it if you like someone and it’s not fair to be angry at them. No one is at fault here and this is all just unnecessary anger, misery and a possible broken friendship over a guy who acted on his emotions which he can’t help. Ugh. If only people could see this way! But life isn’t fair and people will always be this way. Never truly stepping into other’s shoes, never understanding that deep down, we are all good people, some have just been corrupted. It sucks. I hope someday I’ll help at least one person out of their problems and maybe when I need it someone will be there to help me too. I know in this it seems as though I view myself as perfect. So not true. I know there will be days when I snap, but I don’t like to dwell on negatives because life is too short for that. Yes, cheesy saying but it’s true. Why worry about the bad things that you can’t change? Or if they can change think about how it can be fixed! Maybe I WILL be a child therapist of some sort because children definitely don’t deserve to be depressed. Some adults I will say do bring misery on themselves, but children are innocent! It’s not their fault how they are brought up; and if nobody listens to them, then they will never truly trust love or friendship. The world just needs more kindness in it, aimed at the people who truly need it.

Kelly Browning