October 4, 2013: The Good and Bad in us all.

Do you ever have those days
When you say “I will be this or that”
I will finally stand up for who I wish to be
You practice moves beside a mirror
For this morning you see clearer where you want to go
Well I must say that I truly love these days, and starting off
In a mood as such, makes it easy to step out the door
But I forget the floor outside is not so even
And I tend to slide instead of walk with grace
My face shows insecurity though I try to smile at strangers
I can’t help revealing I’m shy and would rather
Cuddle inside with blankets piled as high as I can make them

So I had this ideal thought of shoes that I would fill
And oh what I’d kill to grow a few more inches
But I think I always knew that this could never be
You cannot judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree
So here’s me, a fish out of water,
The pavement’s getting hotter and so I run to where I want to go
But I do not know the way

So you see these words I preach in the mornings of my prime
Have no chance of keeping time with my life
So now I strive to expect that I will slide instead of walk
I find this is more fun than perfect
No image that I must project

One time I ran, for the ground is hot
But this I do not see as strange
I’d rather skip along and fall,
than walk and not kiss the earth at all

If I should spend a day inside,
I’d rather make a fort and hide
Than mope and mutter of my mood
And take a picture of my food
Pretending I have done much more

I’d rather trip upon my words
And laugh at what I almost said
Than practice lines within my head
As though I’m acting in a play

So today when I look in the mirror
I could say that I really do see clearer
For I see no image of perfection
I see many possible corrections
But none I will spend much time to fix
For we’re all a mix of good and bad
There’s no reason to get sad from that
I can only try to show my good
As much as I think I should
And hope that when my bad appears
That others will not run in fear
And when I see the bad in them
I’ll do my best to not get mad
And we can look into our eyes
With no surprise in finding we are very much the same.