April 5, 2013: Honesty.

Dear Readers,

Let me be true here to you
In my land of poems.
I am prepared to give everything my fingers know how to spell
and my mind knows how to say
and that language has prepared me to explain about my life.

I love who I am, this is true.
But I don’t like loving who I am because that makes me seem
and so I paint a layer of insecurity
around my bubbling confidence.

But sometimes I believe in my doubts
and am afraid this makes me seem weak
and so I paint on another layer of confidence
on top of my belief in insignificance
which is on top of my selfish centre.

And then I begin to confuse exactly who I am
and I’m not even sure I’ve gotten this description right
I might be lying through another layer of “down to earth” I’ve created.

Maybe this is why no one (including
myself) has ever really figured me out.
It’s like biting into a chocolate covered strawberry on top of a salad.
Is this dessert?
Is this a meal? a snack?
Should I have packed a lunch?

I have a hunch I’m getting out of hand. Let me continue in my searching for true words…

I love life, and I love people
But sometimes I feel I can’t love enough,
That they deserve so much more
and I just cannot fathom what I could do to let them see how
great they are, how important and intelligent and loveable they are
Because for some reason humans are awkward that way

What I hate though, is this moment right now.
Because I can’t be honest with you and I’m trying.
I promise I’m trying.

But it’s hard to find the inner most me with all of this other
wrapping paper

Like at Christmas when someone makes a joke and puts
inside bags
inside wrapped boxes
stuffed with tissues
until finally you find the gift
And it’s small and you wonder,
Was it the gift I loved so much about that moment,
or the excitement of unwrapping all of the layers…
Maybe I liked it better as a mystery, not knowing when I’d find the true gift inside.
And I question then, is the innermost part, the ‘real’
the authentic
Or is it the whole package that creates what I am?

I’m not sure I want to venture deeper into these thoughts

Love always,
