February 2, 2016: Weakness

I have a weakness
I confess it is most certainly not my best quality
But here it is nonetheless–
I like to run away from things that hurt me
Pain scares me
Especially inner pain—the kind that plays with your resolution

And in my escape I am oblivious to any sad or begging face around me

Selfishness is not a trait I believe I have, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be selfish.
Because when something triggers self-doubt—when something taps on my head and
makes me question who I am—THAT is the feeling I am afraid of.

When that sad or angry face looks at me and says “but if you’re right, why am I sad or
angry as you run away?”

…It slows my run. And the hurt catches up and drags behind me.
And yet I keep going- heart pumping, eyes turned away from the upturned face.

I am strong. But the decision between myself and others has always brought me down.

November 15, 2015: I remember you.

It’s been a while since I posted anything. Miss me?

After a long poetry funk, I’m finally finding the inspiration and motivation to write again. I’m excited to get back into this passion, I’ve certainly missed it. Any who, here’s a poem about whatever you want it to be about! Enjoy 🙂


I remember you.

You are the breeze that brought me here
you are the brain chilling, mind-loving beauty

You never left did you?
it all makes sense again

Perpetual free-flying

The decisions, the mistakes

OH and the laughter, oh laughter, laugh with me some more

I love walks with you, teasing ideas into my hair
Bringing meaning into click-clack steps
Taking the picture and dipping it in water so it runs
It runs away sometimes, did you know that?

Is this on purpose? Was it always itching to run?
But now you’re here it’s clear, I need a back scratcher.

I can’t see what this dripping idea has become,

I like the abstract, but I don’t look forward to cleaning the mess
Taking those depressed colours and forming a new portrait

Can I paint one of you?
Beautiful, that would be just Rose-y

Impatient force you are, don’t worry
You can swirl in irises- this painting is by memory

I remember you.